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Force plate performance assessments are used for profiling, benchmarking, and monitoring the performance of healthy individuals, as well as returning them to performance following injury. The Hawkin Metric Database will help you select the most appropriate performance assessments for your population, as well as the most impactful metrics. Below you can find metric definitions, videos, and key papers for all Hawkin Dynamics performance assessments.

Metric Breakdown Database Page
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Countermovement Jump Metrics

The countermovement jump is an assessment of lower body slow stretch-shortening cycle function, which involves the active stretching (eccentric, braking) of the lower limb musculature before it actively shortens (concentric, propulsion). The results of this performance assessment are related to a multitude of dynamic athletic tasks, such as acceleration, change of direction, and tackling performance. It is primarily used to assess changes in response to training and competition stress. It is the most frequently used performance assessment on a force plate due to the minimal familiarisation required, how rapidly it can be performed, and the wealth of information it provides. It can be performed with the arms akimbo, with an arm swing, externally loaded, and/or unilaterally.

Read how Dr John McMahon selects metrics for the countermovement jump here

The lowest 1 s average of the vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the weighting phase, identified by an optimization loop.

Application: Bodyweight
Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Phase Location: Weighing
Type: Average
Category: Force


Definition: The change in system centre of mass position between the instant of take-off and peak positive vertical displacement of the system centre of mass, calculated using the vertical velocity of the system centre of mass at the instant of take-off and the equations of uniformly accelerated motion.

Application: Output metric
Unit(s): Meters or Inches
Phase Location: Flight
Type: Displacement
Category: Displacement


The vertical momentum of the system centre of mass at the instant of take-off.

Application: Output metric
Unit(s): Kilogram-meter per second (Kg*m/s)
Phase Location: Flight
Type: Calculation
Category: Calculation


The vertical velocity of the system centre of mass at the instant of take-off.

Application: Output metric
Unit(s): Meters per second (m/s)
Phase Location: Flight
Type: Instant
Category: Velocity


The peak instantaneous vertical velocity of the system centre of mass.

Application: Output metric
Unit(s): Meters per second (m/s)
Phase Location: Propulsive
Type: Peak
Category: Velocity


The jump height calculated using the vertical velocity of the system centre of mass at the instant of take-off divided by the total time taken from the initiation of movement to the instant of take-off (e.g. Time to Take-off).

Application: Output metric
Unit(s): No unit
Phase Location: All
Type: Ratio
Category: Calculation
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The time taken to complete the flight phase divided by the total time taken from the initiation of movement to the instant of take-off (e.g. Time to Take-off).

Historically RSI has been used more often in literature than mRSI, however with commercial force plates now more accessible, we suggest using mRSI over RSI in almost all cases.

Application: Output metric
Unit(s): No unit
Phase Location: All
Type: Ratio
Category: Calculation
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Get the Hawkin Dynamics RSI Course

The time taken to complete the flight phase.

Application: Output metric
Unit(s): Seconds (s)
Phase Location: Flight
Type: Duration
Category: Time
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The average vertical velocity of the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase.

Application: Output metric
Unit(s): Meters per second (m/s)
Phase Location: Propulsive
Type: Average
Category: Velocity

The peak instantaneous mechanical power applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase.

Application: Output metric
Unit(s): Watts (W)
Phase Location: Propulsive
Type: Peak
Category: Power

The peak instantaneous mechanical power applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase relative to system mass.

Application: Output metric
Unit(s): Watts per Kilo (W/Kg)
Phase Location: Propulsive
Type: Peak
Category: Power

The average mechanical power applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase.

Application: Output metric
Unit(s): Watts (W)
Phase Location: Propulsive
Type: Average
Category: Power

The average mechanical power applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase relative to system mass.

Application: Output metric
Unit(s): Watts per Kilo (W/Kg)
Phase Location: Propulsive
Type: Average
Category: Power

The peak negative instantaneous mechanical power applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase.

Application: Output metric
Unit(s): Watts (W)
Phase Location: Braking
Type: Peak
Category: Power

The peak negative instantaneous mechanical power applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase relative to system mass.

Application: Output metric
Unit(s): Watts per Kilo (W/Kg)
Phase Location: Braking
Type: Peak
Category: Power

The average mechanical power applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase.

Application: Output metric
Unit(s): Watts (W)
Phase Location: Braking
Type: Average
Category: Power

The average mechanical power applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase relative to system mass.

Application: Output metric
Unit(s): Watts per Kilo (W/Kg)
Phase Location: Braking
Type: Average
Category: Power

The average vertical velocity of the system centre of mass during the braking phase.

Application: Output metric
Unit(s): Meters per second (m/s)
Phase Location: Braking
Type: Average
Category: Velocity

The peak negative instantaneous vertical velocity of the system centre of mass during the braking phase.

Application: Output metric
Unit(s): Meters per second (m/s)
Phase Location: Braking
Type: Peak
Category: Velocity

The total time taken from the initiation of movement to the instant of take-off.

Application: Strategy metric
Unit(s): Seconds (s)
Phase Location: All
Type: Duration
Category: Time

The peak negative vertical displacement of the system centre of mass.

Application: Strategy metric
Unit(s): Meters or Inches
Phase Location: Transfer
Type: Displacement
Category: Displacement

The ratio between the net vertical impulse applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsive phase and the net veritcal impulse applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase of the countermovement jump. Propulsive Net Impulse / Braking Net Impulse

Application: Strategy metric
Unit(s): Unitless
Phase Location: Transfer
Type: Ratio
Category: Impulse

The time taken to complete the unweighting phase.

Application: Strategy metric
Unit(s): Seconds (s)
Phase Location: Unweighting
Type: Duration
Category: Time

The time taken to complete the unweighting phase relative to the time taken to complete the movement.

Application: Strategy metric
Unit(s): %
Phase Location: Unweighting
Type: Duration
Category: Time

The time taken to complete the braking phase.

Application: Strategy metric
Unit(s): Seconds (s)
Phase Location: Braking
Type: Duration
Category: Time
The time taken to complete the braking phase relative to the time taken to complete the movement.
Application: Strategy metric
Unit(s): %
Phase Location: Braking
Type: Duration
Category: Time

The time taken to complete the propulsion phase.

Application: Strategy metric
Unit(s): Seconds (s)
Phase Location: Propulsive
Type: Duration
Category: Time

The time taken to complete the propulsion phase relative to the time taken to complete the movement.

Application: Strategy metric
Unit(s): %
Phase Location: Propulsive
Type: Duration
Category: Time

The vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass at the instant of peak negative vertical displacement of the system centre of mass divided by the peak negative vertical displacement of the system centre of mass during the landing phase.

Application: Strategy metric
Unit(s): Newtons per meter (N/m)
Phase Location: Landing
Type: Ratio
Category: Calculation

The peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the landing phase.

Application: Strategy metric
Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Phase Location: Landing
Type: Peak
Category: Force

The average vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the landing phase as a percentage of system weight.

Application: Strategy metric
Unit(s): %
Phase Location: Landing
Type: Peak
Category: Force

The average vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the landing phase.

Application: Strategy metric
Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Phase Location: Landing
Type: Average
Category: Force

The time taken for the vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass to remain within 5% of system weight for 1 s.

Application: Strategy metric
Unit(s): Seconds (s)
Phase Location: Landing
Type: Duration
Category: Time

The average left vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase.    

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Phase Location: Braking
Category: Force

The average right vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase.    

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Phase Location: Braking
Category: Force

The left vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass at the point of the peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase.    

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Phase Location: Braking
Category: Force

The right vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass at the point of the peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase.    

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Phase Location: Braking
Category: Force

The asymmetry between the left and right average vertical ground reaction forces applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase.    

Unit(s): %
Phase Location: Braking
Category: Force

The asymmetry between the left and right vertical ground reaction forces applied to the system centre of mass at the instant of peak vertical ground reaction force during the braking phase.    

Unit(s): %
Phase Location: Braking
Category: Force

The asymmetry between the left and right vertical impulses applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase.    

Unit(s): %
Phase Location: Braking
Category: Impulse

The average slope of the left vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase.    

Unit(s): Newtons per second (N/s)
Phase Location: Braking
Category: RFD

The average slope of the right vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase.    

Unit(s): Newtons per second (N/s)
Phase Location: Braking
Category: RFD

The asymmetry between the left and right average slope of the vertical ground reaction forces applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase.    

Unit(s): %
Phase Location: Braking
Category: RFD

The average vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase.    

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Phase Location: Braking
Category: Force

The peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase.    

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Phase Location: Braking
Category: Force

The average vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase as a percentage of system weight.    

Unit(s): %
Phase Location: Braking
Category: Force

The peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase as a percentage of system weight.    

Unit(s): %
Phase Location: Braking
Category: Force

The vertical impulse applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase relative to system mass.    

Unit(s): Newton second per Kilo (N.s/Kg)
Phase Location: Braking
Category: Impulse

The net vertical impulse applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase relative to system mass.      

Unit(s): Newton second per Kilo (N.s/Kg)
Phase Location: Braking
Category: Impulse

The vertical impulse applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase.    

Unit(s): Newton second (N.s)
Phase Location: Braking
Category: Impulse

The net vertical impulse applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase.    

Unit(s): Newton second (N.s)
Phase Location: Braking
Category: Impulse

The average slope of the vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase.    

Unit(s): Newtons per second (N/s)
Phase Location: Braking
Category: RFD

The total vertical impulse applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase and the propulsion phase.    

Unit(s): Newton second (N.s)
Phase Location: Braking and Propulsion
Category: Impulse

The total vertical impulse above bodyweight applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase and the propulsion phase.    

Unit(s): Newton second (N.s)
Phase Location: Braking and Propulsion
Category: Impulse

The average left vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the landing phase.    

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Phase Location: Landing
Category: Force

The average right vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the landing phase.    

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Phase Location: Landing
Category: Force

The left vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass at the point of the peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the landing phase.    

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Phase Location: Landing
Category: Force

The right vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass at the point of the peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the landing phase.    

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Phase Location: Landing
Category: Force

The asymmetry between the left and right average vertical ground reaction forces applied to the system centre of mass during the landing phase.    

Unit(s): %
Phase Location: Landing
Category: Force

The asymmetry between the left and right vertical ground reaction forces applied to the system centre of mass at the instant of peak vertical ground reaction force during the landing phase.    

Unit(s): %
Phase Location: Landing
Category: Force

The asymmetry between the left and right vertical impulses applied to the system centre of mass during the landing phase.    

Unit(s): %
Phase Location: Landing
Category: Impulse

The average left vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase.    

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Phase Location: Propulsion
Category: Force

The average right vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase.    

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Phase Location: Propulsion
Category: Force

The left vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass at the point of the peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase.    

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Phase Location: Propulsion
Category: Force

The right vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass at the point of the peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase.    

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Phase Location: Propulsion
Category: Force

The asymmetry between the left and right average vertical ground reaction forces applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase.      

Unit(s): %
Phase Location: Propulsion
Category: Force

The asymmetry between the left and right vertical ground reaction forces applied to the system centre of mass at the instant of peak vertical ground reaction force during the propulsion phase.    

Unit(s): %
Phase Location: Propulsion
Category: Force

The asymmetry between the left and right vertical impulses applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase.    

Unit(s): %
Phase Location: Propulsion
Category: Impulse

The average vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase.    

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Phase Location: Propulsion
Category: Force

The peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase.    

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Phase Location: Propulsion
Category: Force

The average vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase as a percentage of system weight.       

Unit(s): %
Phase Location: Propulsion
Category: Force

The peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase as a percentage of system weight.    

Unit(s): %
Phase Location: Propulsion
Category: Force

The vertical impulse applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase relative to system mass.    

Unit(s): Newton second per Kilo (N.s/Kg)
Phase Location: Propulsion
Category: Impulse

The net vertical impulse applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase relative to system mass.    

Unit(s): Newton second per Kilo (N.s/Kg)
Phase Location: Propulsion
Category: Impulse

The vertical impulse applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase.    

Unit(s): Newton second (N.s)
Phase Location: Propulsion
Category: Impulse

The net vertical impulse applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase.    

Unit(s): Newton second (N.s)
Phase Location: Propulsion
Category: Impulse

The vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass at the instant of peak negative vertical displacement of the system centre of mass divided by the peak negative vertical displacement of the system centre of mass.    

Unit(s): Newtons per meter (N/m)
Phase Location: Transfer
Category: Calculation

The vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass at the point of the peak negative vertical displacement of the system centre of mass.    

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Phase Location: Transfer
Category: Force

The vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass at the point of the peak negative vertical displacement of the system centre of mass as a percentage of system weight.  

Unit(s): %
Phase Location: Transfer
Category: Force
Learn More
The CMJ Playbook was developed by the Hawkin Dynamics Performance Team. In this eBook you will learn about each phase of the CMJ, what takes place at each phase, and an understanding of why the CMJ is performed. It's a one stop shop for all things CMJ.

Squat Jump Metrics

The change in system centre of mass position between the instant of take-off and peak positive vertical displacement of the system centre of mass, calculated using the vertical velocity of the system centre of mass at the instant of take-off and the equations of uniformly accelerated motion.

  • Application: Output metric
  • Unit(s): Meters or Inches
  • Location: Flight
  • Type: Displacement
  • Category: Displacement


The vertical momentum of the system centre of mass at the instant of take-off.

  • Unit(s): Kilogram-meter per second (Kg*m/s)
  • Location: Flight
  • Category: Calculation

The vertical velocity of the system centre of mass at the instant of take-off.

  • Unit(s): Meters per second (m/s)
  • Location: Flight
  • Category: Velocity

The peak instantaneous vertical velocity of the system centre of mass.

  • Unit(s): Meters per second (m/s)
  • Location: Propulsive
  • Category: Velocity

The total time taken from the initiation of movement to the instant of take-off.

Unit(s): Seconds (s)
Location: All
Category: Time

The time taken to complete the flight phase.

Unit(s): Seconds (s)
Location: Flight
Category: Time

The average left vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the landing phase.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Location: Landing
Category: Force

The average right vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the landing phase.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Location: Landing
Category: Force

The asymmetry between the left and right average vertical ground reaction forces applied to the system centre of mass during the landing phase.

Unit(s): %
Location: Landing
Category: Force

The left vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass at the point of the peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the landing phase.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Location: Landing
Category: Force

The right vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass at the point of the peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the landing phase.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Location: Landing
Category: Force

The asymmetry between the left and right vertical ground reaction forces applied to the system centre of mass at the instant of peak vertical ground reaction force during the landing phase.

Unit(s): %
Location: Landing
Category: Force

The asymmetry between the left and right vertical impulses applied to the system centre of mass during the landing phase.

Unit(s): %
Location: Landing
Category: Impulse

The vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass at the instant of peak negative vertical displacement of the system centre of mass divided by the peak negative vertical displacement of the system centre of mass during the landing phase.

Unit(s): Newtons per meter (N/m)
Location: Landing
Category: Calculation

The average vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the landing phase.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Location: Landing
Category: Force

The peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the landing phase.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Location: Landing
Category: Force

The average vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the landing phase as a percentage of system weight.

Unit(s): %
Location: Landing
Category: Force

The time taken for the vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass to remain within 5% of system weight for 1 s.

Unit(s): Seconds (s)
Location: Landing
Category: Time

The average left vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Location: Propulsion
Category: Force

The average right vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Location: Propulsion
Category: Force

The asymmetry between the left and right average vertical ground reaction forces applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase.

Unit(s): %
Location: Propulsion
Category: Force

The left vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass at the point of the peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Location: Propulsion
Category: Force

The right vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass at the point of the peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Location: Propulsion
Category: Force

The asymmetry between the left and right vertical ground reaction forces applied to the system centre of mass at the instant of peak vertical ground reaction force during the propulsion phase.

Unit(s): %
Location: Propulsion
Category: Force

The asymmetry between the left and right vertical impulses applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase.

Unit(s): %
Location: Propulsion
Category: Impulse

The average vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Location: Propulsion
Category: Force

The average vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsive phase as a percentage of system weight.

Unit(s): %
Location: Propulsion
Category: Force

The peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Location: Propulsion
Category: Force

The peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase as a percentage of system weight.

Unit(s): %
Location: Propulsion
Category: Force

The vertical impulse applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase relative to system mass.

Unit(s): Newton second per Kilo (N.s/Kg)
Location: Propulsion
Category: Impulse

The net vertical impulse applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase relative to system mass.

Unit(s): Newton second per Kilo (N.s/Kg)
Location: Propulsion
Category: Impulse

The vertical impulse applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase.

Unit(s): Newton second (N.s)
Location: Propulsion
Category: Impulse

The net vertical impulse applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase.

Unit(s): Newton second (N.s)
Location: Propulsion
Category: Impulse

The average mechanical power applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase relative to system mass.

Unit(s): Watts per Kilo (W/Kg)
Location: Propulsion
Category: Power

The average mechanical power applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase.

Unit(s): Watts (W)
Location: Propulsion
Category: Power

The peak instantaneous mechanical power applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase relative to system mass.

Unit(s): Watts per Kilo (W/Kg)
Location: Propulsion
Category: Power

The peak instantaneous mechanical power applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase.

Unit(s): Watts (W)
Location: Propulsion
Category: Power

The average vertical velocity of the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase.

Unit(s): Meters per second (m/s)
Location: Propulsion
Category: Velocity

The time taken to complete the propulsion phase.

Unit(s): Seconds (s)
Location: Propulsion
Category: Time

The lowest 1 s average of the vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the weighting phase, identified by an optimization loop.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Location: Weighing
Category: Force

squat jump playbook cover


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Enhance your understanding of the basics of the squat jump - a common jump assessment that reduces the contribution of the stretch-shortening cycle.

The lowest 1 s average of the vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the weighting phase, identified by an optimization loop.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Category: Force

The peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied during the isometric test.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Category: Force

The peak instantaneous net vertical ground reaction force applied during the isometric test.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Category: Force

The peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied during the isometric test as a percentage of system weight.

Unit(s): %
Category: Force

The asymmetry between the left and right vertical ground reaction forces applied during the isometric test at the instant of peak vertical ground reaction force.

Unit(s): %
Category: Force

The peak instantaneous left vertical ground reaction force applied during the isometric test.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Category: Force

The peak instantaneous right vertical ground reaction force applied during the isometric test.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Category: Force

The peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied at 50 ms during the isometric test.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Category: Force

The peak instantaneous net vertical ground reaction force applied at 50 ms during the isometric test.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Category: Force

The peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied at 50 ms during the isometric test as a percentage of system weight.

Unit(s): %
Category: Force

The peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied at 50 ms during the isometric test as a percentage of last known bodyweight.

Unit(s): %
Category: Force

The peak instantaneous left vertical ground reaction force applied at 50 ms during the isometric test.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Category: Force

The peak instantaneous right vertical ground reaction force applied at 50 ms during the isometric test.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Category: Force

The average slope of the vertical ground reaction force applied during the isometric test between 0 and 50 ms.

Unit(s): Newtons per second (N/s)
Category: RFD

The vertical impulse applied during the isometric test between 0 and 50ms.

Unit(s): Newton second (N.s)
Category: Impulse

The net vertical impulse applied during the isometric test between 0 and 50ms.

Unit(s): Newton second (N.s)
Category: Impulse

The peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied at 100 ms during the isometric test.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Category: Force

The peak instantaneous net vertical ground reaction force applied at 100 ms during the isometric test.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Category: Force

The peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied at 100 ms during the isometric test as a percentage of system weight.

Unit(s): %
Category: Force

The peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied at 100 ms during the isometric test as a percentage of last known bodyweight.

Unit(s): %
Category: Force

The peak instantaneous left vertical ground reaction force applied at 100 ms during the isometric test.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Category: Force

The peak instantaneous right vertical ground reaction force applied at 100 ms during the isometric test.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Category: Force

The average slope of the vertical ground reaction force applied during the isometric test between 0 and 100 ms.

Unit(s): Newtons per second (N/s)
Category: RFD

The vertical impulse applied during the isometric test between 0 and 100ms.

Unit(s): Newton second (N.s)
Category: Impulse

The net vertical impulse applied during the isometric test between 0 and 100 ms.

Unit(s): Newton second (N.s)
Category: Impulse

The peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied at 150 ms during the isometric test.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Category: Force

The peak instantaneous net vertical ground reaction force applied at 150 ms during the isometric test.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Category: Force

The peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied at 150 ms during the isometric test as a percentage of system weight.

Unit(s): %
Category: Force

The peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied at 150 ms during the isometric test as a percentage of last known bodyweight.

Unit(s): %
Category: Force

The peak instantaneous left vertical ground reaction force applied at 150 ms during the isometric test.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Category: Force

The peak instantaneous right vertical ground reaction force applied at 150 ms during the isometric test.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Category: Force

The average slope of the vertical ground reaction force applied during the isometric test between 0 and 150 ms.

Unit(s): Newtons per second (N/s)
Category: RFD

The vertical impulse applied during the isometric test between 0 and 150ms.

Unit(s): Newton second (N.s)
Category: Impulse

The net vertical impulse applied during the isometric test between 0 and 150ms.

Unit(s): Newton second (N/s)
Category: Impulse

The peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied at 200 ms during the isometric test.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Category: Force

The peak instantaneous net vertical ground reaction force applied at 200 ms during the isometric test.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Category: Force

The peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied at 200 ms during the isometric test as a percentage of system weight.

Unit(s): %
Category: Force

The peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied at 200 ms during the isometric test as a percentage of last known bodyweight.

Unit(s): %
Category: Force

The average slope of the vertical ground reaction force applied during the isometric test between 0 and 200 ms.

Unit(s): Newtons per second (N/s)
Category: RFD

The peak instantaneous left vertical ground reaction force applied at 200 ms during the isometric test.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Category: Force

The peak instantaneous right vertical ground reaction force applied at 200 ms during the isometric test.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Category: Force

The vertical impulse applied during the isometric test between 0 and 200ms.

Unit(s): Newton second (N.s)
Category: Impulse

The net vertical impulse applied during the isometric test between 0 and 200 ms.

Unit(s): Newton second (N.s)
Category: Impulse

The peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied at 250 ms during the isometric test.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Category: Force

The peak instantaneous net vertical ground reaction force applied at 250 ms during the isometric test.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Category: Force

The peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied at 250 ms during the isometric test as a percentage of system weight.

Unit(s): %
Category: Force

The peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied at 250 ms during the isometric test as a percentage of last known bodyweight.

Unit(s): %
Category: Force

The average slope of the vertical ground reaction force applied during the isometric test between 0 and 250ms.

Unit(s): Newton per second (N/s)
Category: RFD

The peak instantaneous left vertical ground reaction force applied at 250 ms during the isometric test.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Category: Force

The peak instantaneous right vertical ground reaction force applied at 250 ms during the isometric test.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Category: Force

The vertical impulse applied during the isometric test between 0 and 250ms.

Unit(s): Newton second (N.s)
Category: Impulse

The net vertical impulse applied during the isometric test between 0 and 250 ms.

Unit(s): Newton second (N.s)
Category: Impulse

The time taken from the initiation of the pull to the return of system weight to baseline.

Unit(s): Seconds (s)
Category: Time

The time taken from the initiation of the pull to the instant of peak verical ground reaction force during the isometric test.

Unit(s): Seconds (s)
Category: Time

Drop Jump Metrics

Drop Jump Force Plates

The jump height calculated using the vertical velcity of the system centre of mass at the instant of take-off divided by the total time taken from initial contact to the instant of take-off (i.e. Time to Take-off).

Unit(s): Unitless
Location: All
Category: Calculation


The time taken to complete the flight phase divided by the total time taken from initial contact to the instant of take-off (i.e. Time to Take-off).

Unit(s): Unitless
Location: All
Category: Calculation

The total time taken from initial contact the instant of take-off.

Unit(s): Seconds (s)
Location: All
Category: Time

The average left vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Location: Braking
Category: Force

The average right vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Location: Braking
Category: Force

The left vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass at the point of the peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Location: Braking
Category: Force

The right vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass at the point of the peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Location: Braking
Category: Force

The asymmetry between the left and right average vertical ground reaction forces applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase.

Unit(s): %
Location: Braking
Category: Force

The asymmetry between the left and right vertical ground reaction forces applied to the system centre of mass at the instant of peak vertical ground reaction force during the braking phase.

Unit(s): %
Location: Braking
Category: Force

The asymmetry between the left and right vertical impulses applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase.

Unit(s): %
Location: Braking
Category: Impulse

The average slope of the left vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase.

Unit(s): Newtons per second (N/s)
Location: Braking
Category: RFD

The average slope of the right vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase.

Unit(s): Newtons per second (N/s)
Location: Braking
Category: RFD

The asymmetry between the left and right average slope of the vertical ground reaction forces applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase.

Unit(s): %
Location: Braking
Category: RFD

The average vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Location: Braking
Category: Force

The peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Location: Braking
Category: Force

The average vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase as a percentage of system weight.

Unit(s): %
Location: Braking
Category: Force

The peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase as a percentage of system weight.

Unit(s): %
Location: Braking
Category: Force

The vertical impulse applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase relative to system mass.

Unit(s): Newton second per Kilo (N.s/Kg)
Location: Braking
Category: Impulse

The net vertical impulse applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase relative to system mass.

Unit(s): Newton second per Kilo (N.s/Kg)
Location: Braking
Category: Impulse

The vertical impulse applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase.

Unit(s): Newton second (N.s)
Location: Braking
Category: Impulse

The net vertical impulse applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase.

Unit(s): Newton second (N.s)
Location: Braking
Category: Impulse

The average slope of the vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase.

Unit(s): Newton second (N.s)
Location: Braking
Category: RFD

The average mechanical power applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase relative to system mass.

Unit(s): Watts per Kilo (W/Kg)
Location: Braking
Category: Power

The peak negative instantaneous mechanical power applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase relative to system mass.

Unit(s): Watts per Kilo (W/Kg)
Location: Braking
Category: Power

The average mechanical power applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase.

Unit(s): Watts (W)
Location: Braking
Category: Power

The peak negative instantaneous mechanical power applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase.

Unit(s): Watts (W)
Location: Braking
Category: Power

The average vertical velocity of the system centre of mass during the braking phase.

Unit(s): Meters per second (m/s)
Location: Braking
Category: Velocity

An impact peak is said to have occured if the peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass occurs within the first 20% of ground contact.

Unit(s): Yes/No
Location: Braking
Category: Calculation

The time taken from initial contact to the instant of the peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase.

Unit(s): Seconds (s)
Location: Braking
Category: Time

The time taken to complete the braking phase.

Unit(s): Seconds (s)
Location: Braking
Category: Time

The time taken to complete the braking phase relative to the time taken to complete the movement.

Unit(s): %
Location: Braking
Category: Time

The total vertical impulse applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase and the propulsion phase.

Unit(s): Newton second (N.s)
Location: Braking and Propulsion
Category: Impulse

The total vertical impulse above bodyweight applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase and the propulsion phase.

Unit(s): Newton second (N.s)
Location: Braking and Propulsion
Category: Impulse

A Pearson product-moment correlation between the vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass and the vertical displacement of the system centre of mass.

Unit(s): Unitless
Location: Braking and Propulsion
Category: Calculation

The vertical momentum of the system centre of mass at the instant of take-off.

Unit(s): Kilogram-meter per second (Kg*m/s)
Location: Flight
Category: Calculation

The change in system centre of mass position between the instant of take-off and peak positive vertical displacement of the system centre of mass, calculated using the vertical velocity of the system centre of mass at the instant of take-off and the equations of uniformly accelerated motion.

Unit(s): Meters (m)
Location: Flight
Category: Displacement

The time taken to complete the flight phase.

Unit(s): Seconds (s)
Location: Flight
Category: Time

The vertical velocity of the system centre of mass at the instant of take-off.

Unit(s): Meters per second (m/s)
Location: Flight
Category: Velocity

The average left vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the landing phase.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Location: Landing
Category: Force

The average right vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the landing phase.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Location: Landing
Category: Force

The left vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass at the point of the peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the landing phase.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Location: Landing
Category: Force

The right vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass at the point of the peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the landing phase.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Location: Landing
Category: Force

The asymmetry between the left and right average vertical ground reaction forces applied to the system centre of mass during the landing phase.

Unit(s): %
Location: Landing
Category: Force

The asymmetry between the left and right vertical ground reaction forces applied to the system centre of mass at the instant of peak vertical ground reaction force during the landing phase.

Unit(s): %
Location: Landing
Category: Force

The asymmetry between the left and right vertical impulses applied to the system centre of mass during the landing phase.

Unit(s): %
Location: Landing
Category: Impulse

The vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass at the instant of peak negative vertical displacement of the system centre of mass divided by the peak negative vertical displacement of the system centre of mass during the landing phase.

Unit(s): Newtons per meter (N/m)
Location: Landing
Category: Calculation

The average vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the landing phase.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Location: Landing 
Category: Force

The peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the landing phase.

Unit(s): %
Location: Braking
Category: Time

The average vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the landing phase as a percentage of system weight.

Unit(s): %
Location: Landing
Category: Force

The time taken for the vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass to remain within 5% of system weight for 1 s.

Unit(s): Seconds (s)
Location: Landing
Category: Time

The user input box height which is used to estimate the initial contact velocity of the system centre of mass.

Unit(s): Meters (m)
Location: Preparatory
Category: Displacement

The average left vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Location: Propulsion
Category: Force

The average right vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Location: Propulsion
Category: Force

The left vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass at the point of the peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Location: Propulsion
Category: Force

The right vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass at the point of the peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Location: Propulsion
Category: Force

The asymmetry between the left and right average vertical ground reaction forces applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase.

Unit(s): %
Location: Propulsion
Category: Force

The asymmetry between the left and right vertical ground reaction forces applied to the system centre of mass at the instant of peak vertical ground reaction force during the propulsion phase.

Unit(s): %
Location: Propulsion
Category: Force

The asymmetry between the left and right vertical impulses applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase.

Unit(s): %
Location: Propulsion
Category: Impulse

The average vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Location: Propulsion
Category: Force

The peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Location: Propulsion
Category: Force

The average vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsive phase as a percentage of system weight.

Unit(s): %
Location: Propulsion
Category: Force

The peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase as a percentage of system weight.

Unit(s): %
Location: Propulsion
Category: Force

The vertical impulse applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase relative to system mass.

Unit(s): Newton seconds per Kilo (N.s/Kg)
Location: Propulsion
Category: Impulse

The net vertical impulse applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase relative to system mass.

Unit(s): Newton seconds per Kilo (N.s/Kg)
Location: Propulsion
Category: Impulse

The vertical impulse applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase.

Unit(s): Newton seconds (N.s)
Location: Propulsion
Category: Impulse

The net vertical impulse applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase.

Unit(s): Newton seconds (N.s)
Location: Propulsion
Category: Impulse

The average mechanical power applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase relative to system mass.

Unit(s): Watts per Kilo (W/Kg)
Location: Propulsion
Category: Power

The peak instantaneous mechanical power applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase relative to system mass.

Unit(s): Watts per Kilo (W/Kg)
Location: Propulsion
Category: Power

The average mechanical power applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase.

Unit(s): Watts (W)
Location: Propulsion
Category: Power

The peak instantaneous mechanical power applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase.

Unit(s): Watts (W)
Location: Propulsion
Category: Power

The average vertical velocity of the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase.

Unit(s): Meters per second (m/s)
Location: Propulsion
Category: Velocity

The peak instantaneous vertical velocity of the system centre of mass.

Unit(s): Meters per second (m/s)
Location: Propulsion
Category: Velocity

The time taken to complete the propulsion phase.

Unit(s): Seconds (s)
Location: Propulsion
Category: Time

The time taken to complete the propulsion phase relative to the time taken to complete the movement.

Unit(s): %
Location: Propulsion
Category: Time

The vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass at the instant of peak negative vertical displacement of the system centre of mass divided by the peak negative vertical displacement of the system centre of mass.

Unit(s): Newtons per meter (N/m)
Location: Transfer
Category: Calculation

The vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass at the point of the peak negative vertical displacement of the system centre of mass.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Location: Transfer
Category: Force

The vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass at the point of the peak negative vertical displacement of the system centre of mass as a percentage of system weight.

Unit(s): %
Location: Transfer
Category: Force

The peak negative vertical displacement of the system centre of mass.

Unit(s): Meters (m)
Location: Transfer
Category: Displacement

The ratio between the net vertical impulse applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase and the net veritcal impulse applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase.

Unit(s): Unitless
Location: Transfer
Category: Impulse

The lowest 1 s average of the vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the weighting phase, identified by an optimization loop.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Location: Weighing
Category: Force

Drop jump playbook cover


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Enhance your understanding of the basics of the drop jump - a common assessment of reactive strength and rebound ability..

Countermovement Rebound Jump Metrics

The countermovement rebound jump is a multifaceted performance assessment. The countermovement jump phase is an assessment of lower body slow stretch shortening cycle function, whereas the rebound jump phase is an assessment of lower body fast stretch shortening cycle function. The magnitude of the active stretch during the rebound phase is dictated by the jump height of the countermovement jump phase. There is limited research available on the countermovement rebound jump performance assessment; however, essentially it is the combination of the countermovement jump and the drop jump, so it provides the same information in less time - why perform two performance assessments when you can perform one? It is rapidly becoming a popular performance assessment due to the wealth of information it provides and the time it saves; however, familiarisation to ensure the countermovement jump is maximal and the rebound jump is less than 250 ms is required. It can be performed with the arms akimbo, with an arm swing, externally loaded, and/or unilaterally.

The jump height calculated using the vertical velcity of the system centre of mass at the instant of take-off divided by the total time taken from the initiation of movement to the instant of take-off (i.e. Time to Take-off) during the countermovement jump.

Unit(s): Unitless
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: All
Category: Calculation

The time taken to complete the flight phase divided by the total time taken from the initiation of movement to the instant of take-off (i.e. Time to Take-off) during the countermovement jump.

Unit(s): Unitless
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: All
Category: Calculation

The total time taken from the initiation of movement to the instant of take-off of the countermovement jump.

Unit(s): Seconds (s)
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: All
Category: Time

The jump height of the rebound calculated using the vertical velcity of the system centre of mass at the instant of take-off divided by the total time taken from initial contact to the instant of take-off (i.e. Time to Take-off) of the rebound.

Unit(s): Unitless
Movement Location: Rebound
Phase Location: All
Category: Calculation

The time taken to complete the flight phase of the rebound divided by the total time taken from initial contact to the instant of take-off (i.e. Time to Take-off) of the rebound.

Unit(s): Unitless
Movement Location: Rebound
Phase Location: All
Category: Calculation

The total time taken from initial contact the instant of take-off of the rebound.

Unit(s): Seconds (s)
Movement Location: Rebound
Phase Location: All
Category: Time

The average left vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase of the countermovement jump.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Braking
Category: Force

The average right vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase of the countermovement jump.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Braking
Category: Force

The asymmetry between the left and right average vertical ground reaction forces applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase of the countermovement jump.

Unit(s): %
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Braking
Category: Force

The asymmetry between the left and right vertical impulses applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase of the countermovement jump.

Unit(s): %
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Braking
Category: Impulse

The average vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase of the countermovement jump.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Braking
Category: Force

The peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase of the countermovement jump.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Braking
Category: Force

The average vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase of the countermovement jump as a percentage of system weight.

Unit(s): %
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Braking
Category: Force

The peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase of the countermovement jump as a percentage of system weight.

Unit(s): %
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Braking
Category: Force

The vertical impulse applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase of the countermovement jump relative to system mass.

Unit(s): Newton second per Kilo (N.s/Kg)
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Braking
Category: Impulse

The net vertical impulse applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase of the countermovement jump relative to system mass.

Unit(s): Newton second per Kilo (N.s/Kg)
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Braking
Category: Impulse

The vertical impulse applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase of the countermovement jump.

Unit(s): Newton second (N.s)
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Braking
Category: Impulse

The net vertical impulse applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase of the countermovement jump.

Unit(s): Newton second (N.s)
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Braking
Category: Impulse

The average slope of the vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase of the countermovement jump.

Unit(s): Newtons per second (N/s)
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Braking
Category: RFD

The average mechanical power applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase of the countermovement jump relative to system mass.

Unit(s): Watts per Kilo (W/Kg)
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Braking
Category: Power

The peak negative instantaneous mechanical power applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase of the countermovement jump relative to system mass.

Unit(s): Watts per Kilo (W/Kg)
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Braking
Category: Power

The average mechanical power applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase of the countermovement jump.

Unit(s): Watts (W)
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Braking
Category: Power

The peak negative instantaneous mechanical power applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase of the countermovement jump.

Unit(s): Watts (W)
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Braking
Category: Power

The average left vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase of the rebound.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Movement Location: Rebound
Phase Location: Braking
Category: Force

The average right vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase of the rebound.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Movement Location: Rebound
Phase Location: Braking
Category: Force

The asymmetry between the left and right average vertical ground reaction forces applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase of the rebound.

Unit(s): %
Movement Location: Rebound
Phase Location: Braking
Category: Force

The asymmetry between the left and right vertical impulses applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase of the rebound.

Unit(s): %
Movement Location: Rebound
Phase Location: Braking
Category: Impulse

The average vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase of the rebound.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Movement Location: Rebound
Phase Location: Braking
Category: Force

The peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase of the rebound.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Movement Location: Rebound
Phase Location: Braking
Category: Force

The average vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase of the rebound as a percentage of system weight.

Unit(s): %
Movement Location: Rebound
Phase Location: Braking
Category: Force

The peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase of the rebound as a percentage of system weight.

Unit(s): %
Movement Location: Rebound
Phase Location: Braking
Category: Force

The vertical impulse applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase of the rebound relative to system mass.

Unit(s): Newton second per Kilo (N.s/Kg)
Movement Location: Rebound
Phase Location: Braking
Category: Impulse

The net vertical impulse applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase of the rebound relative to system mass.

Unit(s): Newton second per Kilo (N.s/Kg)
Movement Location: Rebound
Phase Location: Braking
Category: Impulse

The vertical impulse applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase of the rebound.

Unit(s): Newton second (N.s)
Movement Location: Rebound
Phase Location: Braking
Category: Impulse

The net vertical impulse applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase of the rebound.

Unit(s): Newton second (N.s)
Movement Location: Rebound
Phase Location: Braking
Category: Impulse

The average mechanical power applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase of the rebound relative to system mass.

Unit(s): Watts per Kilo (W/Kg)
Movement Location: Rebound
Phase Location: Braking
Category: Power

The peak negative instantaneous mechanical power applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase of the rebound relative to system mass.

Unit(s): Watts per Kilo (W/Kg)
Movement Location: Rebound
Phase Location: Braking
Category: Power

The average mechanical power applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase of the rebound.

Unit(s): Watts (W)
Movement Location: Rebound
Phase Location: Braking
Category: Power

The peak negative instantaneous mechanical power applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase of the rebound.

Unit(s): Watts (W)
Movement Location: Rebound
Phase Location: Braking
Category: Power

An impact peak is said to have occured if the peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass occurs within the first 20% of ground contact of the rebound.

Unit(s): Yes/No
Movement Location: Rebound
Phase Location: Braking
Category: Calculation 

The time taken from initial contact to the instant of the peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase of the rebound.

Unit(s): Seconds (s)
Movement Location: Rebound
Phase Location: Braking
Category: Time

The total vertical impulse applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase and the propulsion phase of the countermovement jump.

Unit(s): Newton second (N.s)
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Braking & Propulsion
Category: Impulse

The total vertical impulse above bodyweight applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase and the propulsion phase of the countermovement jump.

Unit(s): Newton second (N.s)
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Braking & Propulsion
Category: Impulse

The total vertical impulse applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase and the propulsion phase of the rebound.

Unit(s): Newton second (N.s)
Movement Location: Rebound
Phase Location: Braking & Propulsion
Category: Impulse

The total vertical impulse above bodyweight applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase and the propulsion phase of the rebound.

Unit(s): Newton second (N.s)
Movement Location: Rebound
Phase Location: Braking & Propulsion
Category: Impulse

A Pearson product-moment correlation between the vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass and the vertical displacement of the system centre of mass of the rebound.

Unit(s): Unitless
Movement Location: Rebound
Phase Location: Braking & Propulsion
Category: Calculation

The vertical momentum of the system centre of mass at the instant of take-off during the countermovement jump.

Unit(s): Kilogram-meter per second (Kg*m/s)
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Flight
Category: Calculation

The change in system centre of mass position between the instant of take-off and peak positive vertical displacement of the system centre of mass during the countermovement jump, calculated using the vertical velocity of the system centre of mass at the instant of take-off and the equations of uniformly accelerated motion.

Unit(s): Meters (m)
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Flight
Category: Displacement

The vertical momentum of the system centre of mass at the instant of take-off of the rebound.

Unit(s): Kilogram-meter per second (Kg*m/s)
Movement Location: Rebound
Phase Location: Flight
Category: Calculation

The change in system centre of mass position between the instant of take-off and peak positive vertical displacement of the system centre of mass during the rebound, calculated using the vertical velocity of the system centre of mass at the instant of take-off and the equations of uniformly accelerated motion.

Unit(s): Meters (m)
Movement Location: Rebound
Phase Location: Flight
Category: Displacement

The time taken to complete the flight phase of the rebound.

Unit(s): Seconds (s)
Movement Location: Rebound
Phase Location: Flight
Category: Time

The vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass at the instant of peak negative vertical displacement of the system centre of mass divided by the peak negative vertical displacement of the system centre of mass during the landing phase.

Unit(s): Newtons per meter (N/m)
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Landing
Category: Calculation

The average vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the landing phase.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Landing 
Category: Force

The peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the landing phase.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Landing 
Category: Force

The average vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the landing phase as a percentage of system weight.

Unit(s): %
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Landing 
Category: Force

The time taken for the vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass to remain within 5% of system weight for 1 s.

Unit(s): Seconds (s)
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Landing 
Category: Time

The average left vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the landing phase.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Landing 
Category: Force

The average right vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the landing phase.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Landing 
Category: Force

The left vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass at the point of the peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the landing phase.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Landing 
Category: Force

The right vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass at the point of the peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the landing phase.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Landing 
Category: Force

The asymmetry between the left and right average vertical ground reaction forces applied to the system centre of mass during the landing phase.

Unit(s): %
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Landing 
Category: Force

The asymmetry between the left and right vertical ground reaction forces applied to the system centre of mass at the instant of peak vertical ground reaction force during the landing phase.

Unit(s): %
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Landing 
Category: Force

The asymmetry between the left and right vertical impulses applied to the system centre of mass during the landing phase.

Unit(s): %
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Landing 
Category: Impulse

The average left vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase of the countermovement jump.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Propulsion
Category: Force

The average right vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase of the countermovement jump.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Propulsion
Category: Force

The asymmetry between the left and right average vertical ground reaction forces applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase of the countermovement jump.

Unit(s): %
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Propulsion
Category: Force

The asymmetry between the left and right vertical impulses applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase of the countermovement jump.

Unit(s): %
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Propulsion
Category: Impulse

The average vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase of the countermovement jump.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Propulsion
Category: Force

The peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase of the countermovement jump.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Propulsion
Category: Force

The average vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase of the countermovement jump as a percentage of system weight.

Unit(s): %
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Propulsion
Category: Force

The peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase of the countermovement jump as a percentage of system weight.

Unit(s): %
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Propulsion
Category: Force

The vertical impulse applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase of the countermovement jump relative to system mass.

Unit(s): Newton second per Kilo (N.s/Kg)
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Propulsion
Category: Impulse

The net vertical impulse applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase of the countermovement jump relative to system mass.

Unit(s): Newton second per Kilo (N.s/Kg)
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Propulsion
Category: Impulse

The vertical impulse applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase of the countermovement jump.

Unit(s): Newton second (N.s)
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Propulsion
Category: Impulse

The net vertical impulse applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase of the countermovement jump.

Unit(s): Newton second (N.s)
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Propulsion
Category: Impulse

The average mechanical power applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase of the countermovement jump relative to system mass.

Unit(s): Watts per Kilo (W/kg)
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Propulsion
Category: Power

The peak instantaneous mechanical power applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion of the countermovement jump phase relative to system mass.

Unit(s): Watts per Kilo (W/kg)
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Propulsion
Category: Power

The average mechanical power applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase of the countermovement jump.

Unit(s): Watts (W)
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Propulsion
Category: Power

The peak instantaneous mechanical power applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase of the countermovement jump.

Unit(s): Watts (W)
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Propulsion
Category: Power

The average left vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase of the rebound.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Movement Location: Rebound
Phase Location: Propulsion
Category: Force

The average right vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase of the rebound.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Movement Location: Rebound
Phase Location: Propulsion
Category: Force

The asymmetry between the left and right average vertical ground reaction forces applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase of the rebound.

Unit(s): %
Movement Location: Rebound
Phase Location: Propulsion
Category: Force

The asymmetry between the left and right vertical impulses applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase of the rebound.

Unit(s): %
Movement Location: Rebound
Phase Location: Propulsion
Category: Impulse

The average vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase of the rebound.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Movement Location: Rebound
Phase Location: Propulsion
Category: Force

The peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase of the rebound.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Movement Location: Rebound
Phase Location: Propulsion
Category: Force

The average vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsive phase of the rebound as a percentage of system weight.

Unit(s): %
Movement Location: Rebound
Phase Location: Propulsion
Category: Force

The peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase of the rebound as a percentage of system weight.

Unit(s): %
Movement Location: Rebound
Phase Location: Propulsion
Category: Force

The vertical impulse applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase of the rebound relative to system mass.

Unit(s): Newton second per Kilo (N.s/Kg)
Movement Location: Rebound
Phase Location: Propulsion
Category: Impulse

The net vertical impulse applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase of the rebound relative to system mass.

Unit(s): Newton second per Kilo (N.s/Kg)
Movement Location: Rebound
Phase Location: Propulsion
Category: Impulse

The vertical impulse applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase of the rebound.

Unit(s): Newton second (N.s)
Movement Location: Rebound
Phase Location: Propulsion
Category: Impulse

The net vertical impulse applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase of the rebound.

Unit(s): Newton second (N.s)
Movement Location: Rebound
Phase Location: Propulsion
Category: Impulse

The average mechanical power applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase of the rebound relative to system mass.

Unit(s): Watts per Kilo (W/Kg)
Movement Location: Rebound
Phase Location: Propulsion
Category: Power

The peak instantaneous mechanical power applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase of the rebound relative to system mass.

Unit(s): Watts per Kilo (W/Kg)
Movement Location: Rebound
Phase Location: Propulsion
Category: Power

The average mechanical power applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase of the rebound.

Unit(s): Watts (W)
Movement Location: Rebound
Phase Location: Propulsion
Category: Power

The peak instantaneous mechanical power applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase of the rebound.

Unit(s): Watts (W)
Movement Location: Rebound
Phase Location: Propulsion
Category: Power

The vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass at the point of the peak negative vertical displacement of the system centre of mass during the countermovement jump.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Transfer
Category: Force

The vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass at the point of the peak negative vertical displacement of the system centre of mass as a percentage of system weight.

Unit(s): %
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Transfer
Category: Force

The peak negative vertical displacement of the system centre of mass of the of the countermovement jump.

Unit(s): Meters (m)
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Transfer
Category: Displacement

The ratio between the net vertical impulse applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase and the net veritcal impulse applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase of the countermovement jump.

Unit(s): Unitless
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Transfer
Category: Impulse

The vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass at the instant of peak negative vertical displacement of the system centre of mass divided by the peak negative vertical displacement of the system centre of mass during the rebound.

Unit(s): Newtons per meter (N/s)
Movement Location: Rebound
Phase Location: Transfer
Category: Calculation

The vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass at the point of the peak negative vertical displacement of the system centre of mass during the rebound.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Movement Location: Rebound
Phase Location: Transfer
Category: Force

The vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass at the point of the peak negative vertical displacement of the system centre of mass during the rebound as a percentage of system weight.

Unit(s): %
Movement Location: Rebound
Phase Location: Transfer
Category: Force

The peak negative vertical displacement of the system centre of mass during the rebound.

Unit(s): Meters (m)
Movement Location: Rebound
Phase Location: Transfer
Category: Displacement

The ratio between the net vertical impulse applied to the system centre of mass during the braking phase and the net veritcal impulse applied to the system centre of mass during the propulsion phase of the rebound.

Unit(s): Unitless
Movement Location: Rebound
Phase Location: Transfer
Category: Impulse

The lowest 1 s average of the vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the weighting phase, identified by an optimization loop.

Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Movement Location: CMJ
Phase Location: Weighing
Category: Force
CMJ rebound playbook cover


Learn More

Enhance your understanding of the basics of the CMJ Rebound - a useful dynamic movement for evaluating an athlete’s reactivity and overall jump ability.

Drop Landing Metrics

The drop landing is a measure of stability. The demand on the neuromuscular system is dictated by the box height used, so this must be carefully considered. Landing stability is a risk factor for the incidence of ankle sprains, as well as many other lower body injuries. As such, it is primarily used to identify individuals at risk, as well as guide the return to performance process. As with the drop jump, it can also be performed on the force plates during training sessions to provide biofeedback and augment output, maximising adaptations. Although it is a popular performance assessment, there are a range of factors which impact its reliability, so the standard operating procedure adopted is of paramount importance.

Drop Landing Test Protocol
Videos and Papers Coming Soon...
The average left vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the impact phase.
Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Phase Location: Impact
Category: Force
The average right vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the impact phase.
Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Phase Location: Impact
Category: Force
The left vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass at the point of the peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the drop landing.
Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Phase Location: Impact
Category: Force
The right vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass at the point of the peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the drop landing.
Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Phase Location: Impact
Category: Force
The asymmetry between the left and right vertical ground reaction forces applied to the system centre of mass at the instant of peak vertical ground reaction force during the drop landing.
Unit(s): %
Phase Location: Impact
Category: Force
The asymmetry between the left and right average vertical ground reaction forces applied to the system centre of mass during the impact phase.
Unit(s): %
Phase Location: Impact
Category: Force
The average vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the impact phase.
Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Phase Location: Impact
Category: Force
The peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the drop landing.
Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Phase Location: Impact
Category: Force
The average vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the impact phase as a percentage of system weight.
Unit(s): %
Phase Location: Impact
Category: Force
The peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the drop landing as a percentage of system weight.
Unit(s): %
Phase Location: Impact
Category: Force
The average mechanical power applied to the system centre of mass during the impact phase relative to system mass.
Unit(s): Watts per Kilo (W/Kg)
Phase Location: Impact
Category: Power
The peak negative instantaneous mechanical power applied to the system centre of mass during the Impact phase relative to system mass.
Unit(s): Watts per Kilo (W/Kg)
Phase Location: Impact
Category: Power
The average mechanical power applied to the system centre of mass during the impact phase.
Unit(s): Watts (W)
Phase Location: Impact
Category: Power
The peak negative instantaneous mechanical power applied to the system centre of mass during the impact phase.
Unit(s): Watts (W)
Phase Location: Impact
Category: Power
The average slope of the left vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the impact phase.
Unit(s): Newtons per second (N/s)
Phase Location: Impact
Category: RFD
The average slope of the right vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the impact phase.
Unit(s): Newtons per second (N/s)
Phase Location: Impact
Category: RFD
The asymmetry between the left and right average slope of the vertical ground reaction forces applied to the system centre of mass during the impact phase.
Unit(s): %
Phase Location: Impact
Category: RFD
The average slope of the vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the impact phase.
Unit(s): Newtons per second (N/s)
Phase Location: Impact
Category: RFD
The time taken to complete the impact phase.
Unit(s): Seconds (s)
Phase Location: Impact
Category: Time
The time taken to complete the impact phase relative to the time taken to complete the movement.
Unit(s): %
Phase Location: Impact
Category: Time
The average vertical velocity of the system centre of mass during the impact phase.
Unit(s): Meters per second (m/s)
Phase Location: Impact
Category: Velocity
The vertical velocity of the system centre of mass at the instant of contact.
Unit(s): Meters per second (m/s)
Phase Location: Impact
Category: Velocity
The user input box height which is used to estimate the initial contact velocity of the system centre of mass.
Unit(s): Meters (m)
Phase Location: Preparatory
Category: Displacement
The average left vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the stabilization phase.
Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Phase Location: Stabilization
Category: Force
The average right vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the stabilization phase.
Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Phase Location: Stabilization
Category: Force
The asymmetry between the left and right average vertical ground reaction forces applied to the system centre of mass during the stabilization phase.
Unit(s): %
Phase Location: Stabilization
Category: Force
The average vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the stabilization phase.
Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Phase Location: Stabilization
Category: Force
The average mechanical power applied to the system centre of mass during the stabilization phase relative to system mass.
Unit(s): Watts per Kilo (W/Kg)
Phase Location: Stabilization
Category: Power
The peak instantaneous mechanical power applied to the system centre of mass during the stabilization phase relative to system mass.
Unit(s): Watts per Kilo (W/Kg)
Phase Location: Stabilization
Category: Power
The average mechanical power applied to the system centre of mass during the stabilization phase.
Unit(s): Watts (W)
Phase Location: Stabilization
Category: Power
The peak instantaneous mechanical power applied to the system centre of mass during the stabilization phase.
Unit(s): Watts (W)
Phase Location: Stabilization
Category: Power
The time taken to complete the stabilization phase.
Unit(s): Seconds (s)
Phase Location: Stabilization
Category: Time
The time taken for the vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass to remain within 5% of system weight for 1 s.
Unit(s): Seconds (s)
Phase Location: Stabilization
Category: Time
The time taken to complete the stabilization phase relative to the time taken to complete the movement.
Unit(s): %
Phase Location: Stabilization
Category: Time
The average vertical velocity of the system centre of mass during the stabilization phase.
Unit(s): Meters per second (m/s)
Phase Location: Stabilization
Category: Velocity
The vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass at the instant of peak negative vertical displacement of the system centre of mass divided by the peak negative vertical displacement of the system centre of mass.
Unit(s): Newtons per meter (N/m)
Phase Location: Transfer
Category: Calculation
The negative vertical displacement of the system centre of mass at the instant that the athlete has stabilized, which is defined as the first frame of the time to stabilization.
Unit(s): Meters (m)
Phase Location: Transfer
Category: Displacement
The lowest 1 s average of the vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the weighting phase, identified by an optimization loop.
Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Phase Location: Weighing
Category: Force
The time taken to complete the flight phase divided by the total time taken from initial contact to the instant of take-off (i.e. Time to Take-off) of the highest jump height identified during the multi rebound.
Unit(s): Unitless
Category: Calculation
The highest RSI (time taken to complete the flight phase divided by the total time taken from initial contact to the instant of take-off [i.e. Time to Take-off]) identified during the multi rebound.
Unit(s): Unitless
Category: Calculation
The average RSI (time taken to complete the flight phase divided by the total time taken from initial contact to the instant of take-off [i.e. Time to Take-off]) of all of the jumps identified during the multi rebound.
Unit(s): Unitless
Category: Calculation
The jump height calculated using time in the air divided by the total time taken from initial contact to the instant of take-off (i.e. Time to Take-off) of the highest jump height identified during the multi rebound.
Unit(s): Unitless
Category: Calculation
The highest mRSI (jump height calculated using time in the air divided by the total time taken from initial contact to the instant of take-off [i.e. Time to Take-off]) identified during the multi rebound.
Unit(s): Unitless
Category: Calculation
The average mRSI (jump height calculated using time in the air divided by the total time taken from initial contact to the instant of take-off [i.e. Time to Take-off]) of all of the jumps identified during the multi rebound.
Unit(s): Unitless
Category: Calculation
The average RSI (time taken to complete the flight phase divided by the total time taken from initial contact to the instant of take-off [i.e. Time to Take-off]) of the three highest jumps identified during the multi rebound.
Unit(s): Unitless
Category: Calculation
The highest RSI (time taken to complete the flight phase divided by the total time taken from initial contact to the instant of take-off [i.e. Time to Take-off]) of the three highest jumps identified during the multi rebound.
Unit(s): Unitless
Category: Calculation
The average mRSI (jump height calculated using time in the air divided by the total time taken from initial contact to the instant of take-off [i.e. Time to Take-off]) of the three highest jumps identified during the multi rebound.
Unit(s): Unitless
Category: Calculation
The highest mRSI (jump height calculated using time in the air divided by the total time taken from initial contact to the instant of take-off [i.e. Time to Take-off]) of the three highest jumps identified during the multi rebound.
Unit(s): Unitless
Category: Calculation
The average RSI (time taken to complete the flight phase divided by the total time taken from initial contact to the instant of take-off [i.e. Time to Take-off]) of the five highest jumps identified during the multi rebound.
Unit(s): Unitless
Category: Calculation
The highest RSI (time taken to complete the flight phase divided by the total time taken from initial contact to the instant of take-off [i.e. Time to Take-off]) of the five highest jumps identified during the multi rebound.
Unit(s): Unitless
Category: Calculation
The average mRSI (jump height calculated using time in the air divided by the total time taken from initial contact to the instant of take-off [i.e. Time to Take-off]) of the five highest jumps identified during the multi rebound.
Unit(s): Unitless
Category: Calculation
The highest mRSI (jump height calculated using time in the air divided by the total time taken from initial contact to the instant of take-off [i.e. Time to Take-off]) of the five highest jumps identified during the multi rebound.
Unit(s): Unitless
Category: Calculation
The total number of jumps performed during the multi rebound.
Unit(s): Numerical Digit
Category: Calculation
The highest jump height identified during the multi rebound, calculated using time in the air and the equations of uniformly accelerated motion.
Unit(s): Meters (m)
Category: Displacement
The average of all the jump heights identified during the multi rebound, calculated using time in the air and the equations of uniformly accelerated motion.
Unit(s): Meters (m)
Category: Displacement
The average of highest three jump heights identified during the multi rebound, calculated using time in the air and the equations of uniformly accelerated motion.
Unit(s): Meters (m)
Category: Displacement
The average of highest five jump heights identified during the multi rebound, calculated using time in the air and the equations of uniformly accelerated motion.
Unit(s): Meters (m)
Category: Displacement
The lowest 1 s average of the vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the weighting phase, identified by an optimization loop.
Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Category: Force
The average vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the multi rebound.
Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Category: Force
The peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied to the system centre of mass during the multi rebound.
Unit(s): Newtons (N)
Category: Force
The asymmetry between the left and right average vertical ground reaction forces applied to the system centre of mass during the multi rebound.
Unit(s): %
Category: Force
The asymmetry between the left and right peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction forces applied to the system centre of mass during the multi rebound.
Unit(s): %
Category: Force
The summed contact time of all the jumps performed during the multi rebound.
Unit(s): Seconds (s)
Category: Time
The summed time in the air of all the jumps performed during the multi rebound.
Unit(s): Seconds (s)
Category: Time

The average contact time (the total time taken from initial contact to the instant of take-off) of the repetitions in which the three highest jumps were achieved during the multi-rebound test.

Unit(s): Seconds (s)
Category: Time

The average contact time (the total time taken from initial contact to the instant of take-off) of the repetitions in which the five highest jumps were achieved during the multi-rebound test.

Unit(s): Seconds (s)
Category: Time

The average contact time (the total time taken from initial contact to the instant of take-off) of all repetitions completed during the multi-rebound test.

Unit(s): Seconds (s)
Category: Time
Multi rebound cover


Learn More

Enhance your understanding of the basics of the  Mulit-Rebound Jump - a useful dynamic movement for evaluating an athlete's reactivity and fatigue levels.

Free Run Metrics (and Center of Pressure)

Squats on Force Plates
The average vertical ground reaction force applied during the free run.
Unit(s): Newton (N)
Category: Force
The peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction force applied during the free run.
Unit(s): Newton (N)
Category: Force
The average left vertical ground reaction force applied during the free run.
Unit(s): Newton (N)
Category: Force
The average right vertical ground reaction force applied during the free run.
Unit(s): Newton (N)
Category: Force
The peak instantaneous left vertical ground reaction force applied during the free run.
Unit(s): Newton (N)
Category: Force
The peak instantaneous right vertical ground reaction force applied during the free run.
Unit(s): Newton (N)
Category: Force
The standard deviation of the left vertical ground reaction force applied during the free run.
Unit(s): Newton (N)
Category: Force
The standard deviation of the right vertical ground reaction force applied during the free run.
Unit(s): Newton (N)
Category: Force
The standard deviation of the vertical ground reaction force applied during the free run.
Unit(s): Newton (N)
Category: Force
The asymmetry between the left and right average vertical ground reaction forces applied during the free run.
Unit(s): %
Category: Force
The asymmetry between the left and right peak instantaneous vertical ground reaction forces applied during the free run.
Unit(s): %
Category: Force

Description: The total distance of anterior-posterior sway on the left plate during the free run.

Unit(s): cm

Category: COP

The amplitude of anterior-posterior sway on the left plate during the free run.

Unit(s): cm

Category: COP

The average anterior-posterior sway velocity on the left plate during the free run.

Unit(s): cm/s

Category: COP

The average medial-lateral sway velocity on the left plate during the free run.

Unit(s): cm/s

Category: COP

The total distance of medial-lateral sway on the left plate during the free run.

Unit(s): cm

Category: COP

The amplitude of medial-lateral sway on the left plate during the free run.

Unit(s): cm

Category: COP

The total distance of sway on the left plate during the free run.

Unit(s): cm

Category: COP

The amplitude of sway on the left plate during the free run.

Unit(s): cm

Category: COP

The average sway velocity on the left plate during the free run.

Unit(s): cm/s

Category: COP

The total distance of anterior-posterior sway on the right plate during the free run.

Unit(s): cm

Category: COP

The amplitude of anterior-posterior sway on the right plate during the free run.

Unit(s): cm

Category: COP

The average anterior-posterior sway velocity on the right plate during the free run.

Unit(s): cm/s

Category: COP

The average medial-lateral sway velocity on the right plate during the free run.

Unit(s): cm/s

Category: COP

The total distance of medial-lateral sway on the right plate during the free run.

Unit(s): cm

Category: COP

The amplitude of medial-lateral sway on the right plate during the free run.

Unit(s): cm

Category: COP

The total distance of sway on the right plate during the free run.

Unit(s): cm

Category: COP

The amplitude of sway on the right plate during the free run.

Unit(s): cm

Category: COP 

The average sway velocity on the right plate during the free run.

Unit(s): cm/s

Category: COP

Weigh-In Metrics

The weigh-in test is a simple assessment of bodyweight (and stability). The test eliminates the need for purchasing a separate scale, and reports in Newtons, Kilograms, and Pounds. Change the weigh-in duration under test settings on the tablet, we suggest weighing for at least 5-seconds.

force plate weight measurement

Body weight measured in Newtons

Body weight measured in Kilograms

Body weight measured in Pounds

The standard deviation of the body weight during the weigh-in